For any questions about the series, or NASTAD's PrEP/telePrEP access work, please contact [email protected].

Module 2A: Overview of State Telehealth and Telemedicine Laws and Policies

This module will provide an overview of telehealth and telemedicine, including variations on state laws and policies.

    1. Series Notebook

    2. Executive Summary

    3. An Overview of Telehealth and Telemedicine (18 min)

    4. Knowledge Reinforcement

    5. Additional Resources

    6. Module Reflection & Feedback

Module Curriculum

  • 6 lessons

Our team values feedback and welcomes all questions and suggestions. 
Please contact [email protected].

Dori Molozanov

Module Instructor

Dori Molozanov (Dori Mo-lo-ZAH-nov) is a senior manager on the Health Systems Integration team. Her work is focused on monitoring and responding to health systems changes and supporting NASTAD members in navigating insurance enrollment, assessing coverage options, and ensuring medication access for insured individuals. Dori also supports NASTAD’s public health policy work, with a focus on HIV data privacy and confidentiality. Dori previously worked at the National Health Law Program, where she focused on Medicaid and private insurance policy related to eligibility, enrollment, and benefits. Dori received her B.A. from Drexel University and J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School.