For any questions about the series, or NASTAD's PrEP/telePrEP access work, please contact [email protected].

Module 8: Use of the 340B Program for PrEP

This module will provide an overview of why 340B is an essential program for PrEP and telePrEP, identify barriers to savings, and explore opportunities for continuing growth.

    1. Series Notebook

    2. Executive Summary

    3. PrEP Laboratory Study Requirements (4 min)

    4. Opportunities & Common Challenges (4 min)

    5. 340B Program Responsibilities (15 min)

    6. 340B Advocacy and Organization Buy-In (12 min)

    7. Knowledge Reinforcement

    8. Additional Resources

    9. Module Reflection & Feedback

Module Curriculum

  • 9 lessons

Ralph Moreno

Module Instructor

Ralph Moreno is a public health safety net consultant focusing on developing sustainable patient programs in vulnerable communities. Currently Ralph serves as a consultant with the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors supporting HRSA’s Ending the HIV Epidemic Systems Coordination Provider initiative as well as supporting health departments and community based organizations with capacity building and TA under the PS19-1906 grant. Ralph is a subject matter expert in health insurance benefits coverage and helping health departments leverage alternative care models to maximize the 340B Drug Pricing Program. Ralph holds a Master’s in Health Sector Management from Arizona State University and brings over a decade and a half of experience in consulting with health care providers on 340B compliance and health system operations. Ralph's home base is Glendale, Arizona.